Wednesday, February 29, 2012

a prelude (and a long one at that)

As cliche as it sounds, ever since the travel bug has gnawed itself inside my brain and declared its permanent residency there, I, like the rest of the prisoners of the corporate world felt the need to explore... to see more. In short, the damn bug has enslave my soul.

So with this, my more than 3 years hiatus in posting anything here would probably be mostly on backlogs from my previous travels, reviews and anything that comes to mind, really.  (I don't know why I keep thinking I have the need to explain)

Now what to expect from this little piece of intarnets space then?

I have always admired travelers, you know those who have the guts and the unwanted guts to climb, surf or to just practically fit into the domestic airlines' seatbelt without asking for seatbelt extensions.

As you might have guessed, yours truly is a fat-arsed plus-size.  Don't get me wrong though, and don't you dare give me a speech on self-esteem crap.  I love who I am now,  but as much as I would like to try out everything, I know that there are some limitations on my physical abilities, which is a total bummer since I love to try anything.  I pretty much have accepted that there are some things that cannot be done YET.  So those are my current motivation to lose some, to be able to get back at those activities, or simply just to no longer dread the do-i-need-to-ask-a-seatbelt-extension-this-time game.  Unfortunately, as much as all the motivational crap there is, bacon always wins.  So there.

So mostly, the stories that will be told here is mostly through the eyes and experience of a plus-size traveller.  I hope that it can somehow shed some ideas to those who are hesitant to travel due to what they think are limitations, whether physical or emotional (read: yung mga praning at oc).

Oh and since most of my travels are family trips with my rocking 60+ year old mom, my paranoid older sister and basically just your average circus of a family, getting to most of the destinations that's a piece of cake to some is already quite a challenge to us. Nevertheless, we still think we rule the world afterwards.

Aaaand being the designated creator of our itineraries, most are well thought of bordering on being OA on the hazards if we can actually do it.

But yeah I do hope this can somehow help to some creating their own adventures :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Holy crap I have a blog!

Forgive me, my darling non-existent readers, I'm not gonna lie, more than 2 years from my first post and X number of jobs I have resigned later, I haven't updated anything. Well I guess except for the title of my blog. But anyways, now that I am unemployed (again), which seems to be the key ingredient for me to work on this blog, I hope I can finally start on this.

Now where to begin, the last time I used html/css was during the height of kalandian on profile layouts in livejournal and friendster... and now, I feel so old, dammit.